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Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency in European Islands

Seminars at the University of La Laguna
Date: February 11 th , 2011. Location: Salón de Grados de Informática


10:00     Welcome and Introduction
10:05     Sustainable Innovation Project
Agustín Gonzalez, Managing Director of Ricam Cluster on behalf of 
Turisfera Tourism Cluster and Insignia Cluster (Canary Islands, Spain).
10:15     Smart Technology Control - Implementation in the local
municipality and for the local industrial players
Bernd Garbers, Technical Advisor at Samsø Energiakademi (Samsø
Island, Denmark)
10:30     Energy efficiency in Commercial Buildings
Dr. Ricardo Guerrero, Director of Renewable Energy Master at the
University of La Laguna (Canary Islands, Spain)
10:45     Home Energy Efficiency, a Case Study
Dr. Jan Jantzen, Engineer and Manager at Samsø Energy Agency
(Samsø Island, Denmark)
11:00     Wireless Sensor Network for Real Time Energy Audits
Julián Monedero, Managing Director of Dobon’s Technology, S.L.
(Canary Islands, Spain)
11:15     RES Technologies: Cases from Crete, Greece
Artemis Saitakis, Director of Science & Technology Park of Crete
(Crete Island, Greece)
11:30     Possibilities in geothermal plants of low enthalpy in the Canary
Dr. Juan Carlos Santamarta Cerezal,  INGENIA Research Group
Coordinator at the University of La Laguna (Canary Islands, Spain)
11:45     Round table: Research Cooperation Projects between European
Insular Regions
All participants and audience


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11 Doctoral Researcher Positions - Natural and Life Sciences

Les traigo estas ofertas de trabajo Un saludo Juan Carlos Santamarta Cerezal   PhD Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena Germany, Jena Oct 13 The Graduate School of Excellence ‘JSMC’ invites applications for 11 Doctoral Researcher Positions (TV-L E13, 65%) Research projects on several topics in Natural and Life Sciences We expect: •a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in Natural or Life Sciences (e.g., Biology, Chemistry, Bioinformatics, Geosciences, Biomedical Sciences, Biotechnology, etc.). Candidates about to obtain their degree are welcome to apply •high motivation and interest in joining one of the interdisciplinary research areas of the JSMC •creativity and interest in shaping your own thesis project •an integrative and cooperative personality with enthusiasm for actively participating in the lively JSMC Community •very good communication skills in English (the language of instruction at the JSMC) We offer: •a highly communicative atmosphere within a


Estimados amigos, Les adjuntamos información de la próxima jornada que vamos a celebrar en la Universidad de La Laguna (Sección de Ingeniería Agraria), organizada por nuestro grupo de investigación (INGENIA) en colaboración con el Colegio de Ingenieros de Montes y el Cabildo de Tenerife (Área de Sostenibilidad, Medio Ambiente, Aguas y Seguridad).  JORNADA TÉCNICA SOBRE INGENIERÍA FORESTAL Y MEDIO AMBIENTE EN CANARIAS 21 abril, 2016 8:30 horas, Salón de actos Escuela Politécnica Superior, sección de Ingeniería Agraria 1 crédito ECTS oficial Universidad de La Laguna (10 horas, 5 presenciales + 5 virtuales) La jornada pretende  ser el espacio en el que confluyan los distintos profesionales públicos y privados con competencia forestal  y ambiental así como todos aquellos técnicos, sociedades y personas en general interesadas en la gestión, planificación y protección forestal y medioambiental. Se plantearán estudios de caso y experiencias real