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Eight GSForest PhD student (Early Stage Researcher) positions for 2012-2015 
The Finnish Doctoral Programme in Forest Sciences (GSForest; network partners:
University of Eastern Finland , University of Helsinki , University of Oulu and Finnish
Forest Research Institute) invites applications for 8 PhD student positions. The fixed-
term positions can be filled for a maximum of four years as from January 1, 2012 or as
agreed, depending on the phase of the studies and the proposed time schedule of the
applicant. It is also possible to apply for the positions with combined funding of the
salary (part of the monthly salary is obtained from other sources; e.g. from a business
host, a research institute or the supervisor's project). 
A suitable applicant will have an MSc or licentiate degree and she or he is/will be a PhD
student at one of the participating universities: University of Eastern Finland (School of
Forest Sciences , Department of Biology, Department of Environmental Science),
University of Helsinki (Department of Forest Sciences) or University of Oulu
(Department of Biology). Fluent spoken and written English language skills are
expected. The applicant should have a research topic that fits in the profile of the
doctoral programme and the applicant is expected to complete the doctoral thesis as a
member of the supervisor's research team. GSForest does not provide funding for the
students' research expenses, thus the applicants should have supplementary funding for
their research (e.g. courses, conferences, laboratory work, field work). 
Depending on the phase of the doctoral studies, the salary will be based on levels 1-4 of
the job requirement level chart for teaching and research personnel in the salary system
of Finnish universities. In addition, the PhD students will be paid a salary component
based on their personal performance. The PhD students will be employed by their home
university and the salary will be determined by the employer. 
Application form with instructions 
Read also: Applicant evaluation form (in Finnish) 
The original and ten copies (1+10) of the application and appendices in English must be
sent or delivered to the Registry office of the University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu
Campus (street address: Yliopistokatu 2, Aurora building ), P.O.Box 111, 80101
Joensuu or Kuopio Campus (street address: Yliopistonranta 1 E, Snellmania Building),
P.O. Box 1627, 70211 Kuopio. 
The deadline for the application is September 30, 2011 at 3:00 pm Finnish time. The
application documents will not be returned. 
Further information: GSForest Coordinator Aija Ryyppö, e-mail or tel. +358
13 251 4091. 

Aija Ryyppö, Dr.
University of Eastern Finland
School of Forest Sciences
P.O. Box 111
FI-80101 Joensuu, Finland
p. +358 13 2514091 / +358 400 16 0004


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