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Una nueva propuesta de Máster en Ingeniería Agronómica



The Canary Islands, in Spain, are a region with a long agricultural tradition, which has been able to adapt to the socioeconomic circumstances of each historical moment. From the time of the conquest and from the 16th century onwards, it has gone from a monoculture based on sugar cane, first, and wine production, later, to the cultivation of bananas and tomatoes from the late 19th century onwards. At present, we are witnessing a greater diversification in the agricultural sector, so that, along with the latter, different fruit trees, vegetables and ornamental plants are gaining prominence.

In recent decades, the agricultural sector in the Canary Islands has been going through all kinds of difficulties, with a significant decline in the cultivated area: from approximately 60,000 ha in 1980, to some 40,000-45,000 ha at present. It is pertinent to highlight the need for technological modernization demanded by Canary Island farms in order to be able to compete with any chance in an increasingly globalized market and against countries with lower production costs. Likewise, it is essential to search for new market niches and high unit value products, in which the competitive advantage is provided by the availability of exclusive technological knowledge ("know-how") and not by access to land, water and cheap labor. In this context, it is essential for the survival and prosperity of the agricultural sector in the Canary Islands, to have superior technicians capable of developing current and proprietary technologies that enhance the competitive advantages of the Canary Islands, without losing sight of the current situation of global expansion of agricultural activity, especially in continents such as Africa or America, with which it has always been related, both educationally and professionally.

For all these reasons, a professional master's degree in agronomic engineering of a global nature is proposed, specialising in tropical and subtropical crops as well as in food safety. As a novelty, this master's degree will be in online format, with innovative strategies for training, not only future students from the Canary Islands but from all over Spain and Latin America, and graduates will be able to work with the professional attributions of the agronomist engineer.


Higher education, agriculture, virtual learning.


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