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Mostrando entradas de enero, 2024

Perception and awareness of the bioeconomy: an empirical study of chosen European academia

  Propósito, Diseño y Resultados de un Estudio sobre la Bioeconomía en la Educación Universitaria Propósito Este estudio tiene como objetivo diagnosticar la percepción, conocimiento, conciencia y posición de la bioeconomía en la educación y la investigación universitaria. Diseño/Metodología/Enfoque El estudio se basa en una encuesta por cuestionario realizada en universidades de Polonia, República Checa, España y Portugal (n = 464). El cuestionario constaba de preguntas abiertas, dicotómicas y tipo Likert. Se utilizaron métodos de distribución de frecuencias de variables y la prueba no paramétrica de chi-cuadrado para evaluar la independencia de las características. El coeficiente de contingencia de Cramer’s V se utilizó para determinar el grado de dependencia entre las variables. Hallazgos La comunidad académica investigada está dominada por un enfoque tradicional de la bioeconomía, relacionado principalmente con la agricultura y los aspectos ecológicos. Los encuestados creen en los i

Efect of tourist activity on wastewater quality in selected wastewater treatment plants in the Balearic Islands (Spain)

  Unregulated sewage discharge into the sea poses a considerable danger to marine ecosystems, with coastal regions being particularly vulnerable to this because of the impact of tourism. This issue is amplifed during the summer season, as the Balearic Islands are a heavily frequented destination. This study aims to determine the water quality in fve diferent wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) representative on the islands. For this purpose, we analysed several parameters, including biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), treated water fow, suspended solids (SS), nitrates (N) and phosphorus (P), at the inlet and outlet of the WWTPs for 5 years. We set particular thresholds for each parameter and documented any breach by comparing the fndings with the existing regulations. The least favourable results indicate non-compliance regarding N and P levels throughout the entire study period, as well as a lack of reduction percentage. Furthermore, fow analysis refects the

Agile Teaching Methodology. Manual

 Les comparto este libro que hemos realizado, sobre la nueva técnica:  Agile Teaching Methodology. Manual El propósito principal de esta guía es introducir a los profesores de cursos que no están relacionados con la informática en los aspectos específicos del ATML. Este manual presenta un enfoque ligeramente modificado del ATML original para hacerlo más útil en la enseñanza de cursos relacionados con la bioeconomía, es decir, cursos que son interdisciplinarios por naturaleza. La enseñanza interdisciplinaria en sí misma representa un gran desafío para el profesor. Un enfoque didáctico modelado según el ATML puede ser muy útil y puede mejorar los resultados obtenidos en la enseñanza interdisciplinaria. Esta introducción explica por qué un profesor moderno debería usar el ATML y discute brevemente las condiciones contemporáneas, así como los desafíos a los que se enfrentan los profesores universitarios. La adaptación del proceso de enseñanza a las necesidades modernas resulta de las condi

The Effect of Pyroclasts in Geothermal Borehole Heat Exchangers Performance on the Volcanic Island of Lanzarote (Canary Islands, Spain)

  The design of a geothermal heat pump system and geothermal heat exchangers to replace conventional cold and heat production systems in a winery on the island of Lanzarote (Canary Islands, Spain), taking into account its active volcanic geological peculiarities, is presented in this work. Firstly, a study was carried out to estimate the cold and heat needs of the winery during its operation. A calculation program was implemented in Matlab software framework to estimate the influences of the winemaker’s decisions on the cold and heat consumption of the winery. Once the needs were determined, a commercial geothermal heat pump (GHP) was selected, using exhaust heat to produce hot and cold water at the same time. After assessing hot and cold-water consumption along with heat pump requirements, a field of closed-loop borehole heat exchangers (BHE) was designed using a finite element heat transport numerical model. The existing geological profile, characterized by alternating basalt lava fl

Are fluorite mines prone to high concentrations of radon gas inside? The case of the Lújar mine in Órgiva (Granada, Southeast Spain)

 The Sierra de Lújar, located in the south of Granada (Spain), hosts one of the few currently active underground fluorite mines in Spain. Considering that high concentrations of radon gas, which is the second leading cause of lung cancer after tobacco, can occur in underground workplaces, the concentration of radon gas inside a fluorite underground mine has been measured, in order to prevent health risks to workers. QueryAlthough no significant concentration of radioactive elements has been detected in the geochemical analysis, the radon gas concentration values measured ranged between 28 and 1211 Bq m −3 , and there were important variations, depending on the area of the mine. Some values exceed the limits established by European regulations. Despite these high values, the annual effective dose (E) ranges between 0.13 and 5.71 mSv, in most cases being below 3 mSv, which is the recommended value in underground mines. Improvement in the ventilation of main galleries, especially in the b

Geothermal Supply System for a Winery on a Volcanic Island (Lanzarote, Canary Islands)

 Geothermal energy comes in many different forms depending on the specific conditions of the resource. For example, in volcanic areas (such as the Canary Islands) or with subduction of tectonic plates, deposits of water/steam of very high energy and temperatures (150°–350 °C) are sometimes produced, known as high enthalpy resources. Due to their high quality, these can be used for electricity production in binary cycles. The design of a geothermal heat pump system to replace conventional cæold and heat production systems in a winery on the island of Lanzarote (Canary Islands, Spain) is presented. First, a calculation system based on the Matlab program was designed to review the influences of the winemaker’s decisions on the cold and heat consumption of the winery. After calculating hot and cold water consumption and heat pump requirements, a field of geothermal probes was designed using available software. Subsequently, the dimensions of the liquid impulsion equipment were estimated, a